Board Members


Kim Bohannon

Founder and President of the Board

Devoting 27 years to education, with 20 of those spent shaping young minds at Barnum School in Bridgeport Connecticut, teaching was not just a career for Kim, but a calling. The students became more than pupils; they became family. This deep connection fueled the creation of Buddy Mentor in 1994, a program aiming to reach out to these children in a more personal way. Recognizing the profound impact mentors have in all our lives, even if they’re not defined as such, Kim sought to create a structured support system for students. Buddy Mentor has undoubtedly made a lasting difference, not just in the lives of countless children, but also in her own.

Though retired from the classroom, Kim continues to work as a part-time facilitator at various challenge courses throughout the Charlotte area. She remains actively involved in the community, serving on the Buddy Mentor board, volunteering at church, and carving out time for passions like golf and cycling. In 2014, Kim brought her dedication full circle by establishing a branch of Buddy Mentor in their new home city of Charlotte, NC.

Harold “Hutch” Hutchison

Vice President

Harold “Hutch” Hutchison has been mentoring Buddies since Buddy Mentor began in Charlotte ten years ago. He is passionate about helping children have a better life and has served on the scholarship committee. Hutch is a retired Presbyterian Minister and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He has done youth ministry and counseled college students at Queens University in Charlotte part time for 20 years.

Seth Twery


Mr. Twery is a retired Financial Services industry consultant with 40 years’ experience assisting global financial services firms with the enhancement and transformation of their operations infrastructure and technology environment. In recent years Seth worked with entrepreneurs to develop new machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions for financial crime prevention and Anti-Money Laundering.

Seth is leveraging his professional experience to support community growth through mentoring the under-served, entrepreneurial awareness and enablement, and preserving our natural resources for recreation across the Charlotte region.


Monserratt Acevedo-Maldonado


Monserratt “Monsi” Acevedo-Maldonado was one of the first graduates of the Charlotte Buddy Mentor Program.

Jesse Dotson


Driven by a desire to give back to the community and empower the next generation, Jesse has been with Buddy/Mentor since 2015. His own relatable background fuels his dedication to mentoring children, guiding them through life's challenges with insights gleaned from personal experience.

Jesse has leveraged his Software Engineering experience to assist with Buddy/Mentor’s online presence and provide college and career guidance to Buddy’s throughout his time serving as a mentor.

Alejandra Morales


Alejandra Morales is the parent of Buddies in the Charlotte Chapter since its inception.


Nicole Gardner


Nicole Gardner is an award-winning attorney and founder of Gardner Skelton. When Nicole joined Buddy/Mentor, her buddy was in the fourth grade. Now, more than seven years later, Nicole has seen her buddy graduate from the program. Service in the Gardner household is a family affair, and both of Nicole’s teenage daughters have signed on to mentor, too.

Miranda Davis


A freelance graphic designer and stay-at-home mom, Miranda has been a mentor with the Charlotte chapter since it’s inception. Miranda’s journey to mentorship began early, with summers spent volunteering as a Girl Scout camp counselor, then working as a full-time nanny. She later honed her skills at Central Piedmont Community College studying Advertising and Graphic Design. This led to a fulfilling career in marketing, where she found her passion for creative problem-solving and collaboration.